Call For Proposals

Many thanks to JSConf for their amazing “Call for Speakers” as a base for this page.

We are inviting the JavaScript community to submit talks for the upcoming JSDayEs (October 20th, Madrid). This Call for Presentation closes on May 31th.

If you think you have something great to talk about, tell us all about it and we consider your entry. If you know someone who has something great to talk about, nominate them.

Submit your proposal


We Can Help

Not everybody is a natural talent on stage. Not everybody can produce kick-ass slide-decks. Not everybody is a live-demo-god. Not everybody knows they have something great to talk about.

There are about a million reasons why you don’t consider yourself a speaker, in a conference where people with very high JS level have spoken in the past. We are here to prove you wrong. If all you have is a gut feeling that you should be on stage, we are here to reach out and help you to develop or hone the skills you think you lack to deliver a great presentation.

We want that JSDayEs will be your first talk!

Get in touch:

If you need more encouragement, check out We Are All Awesome website that tries to convince you to speak.

The Perks

If you get selected as a speaker at JSDayEs, here’s what you get:

If your employer can cover your travel and hotel, we are happy to list them as an awesome company sponsor. The money we save will be used to make the conference more awesome.

If you have any special requirements, just let us know.

The Selection Process

Here’s roughly how we pick our talks:

Anonymize submissions, so we don’t bias against anything related to the submitter.

Two rounds of voting:

If your talk has been selected we will try to notify you at the end of June or the beginning of July.

Other important things

Submit your proposal